Problem installing Mayavi 4.5 in Python 3


I can not install Mayavi 4.5 correctly on Python 3. I have a full installation of Anaconda (the 64-bit version) on Python 3.5 and I installed Mayavi via:

conda install -c menpo mayavi=4.5.0. 

The moment I try to load the library, I get the following error:

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/flop/Desktop/untitled19/", line 1, in <module>
    from mayavi import mlab
  File "C:\Users\flop\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\mayavi-4.5.0-py3.5-win-amd64.egg\mayavi\", line 27, in <module>
    from import view, roll, yaw, pitch, move
  File "C:\Users\flop\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\mayavi-4.5.0-py3.5-win-amd64.egg\mayavi\tools\", line 19, in <module>
    raise ImportError(msg)
ImportError: DLL load failed: %1 no es una aplicación Win32 válida.
Please check your numpy installation. If you need numpy,
'easy_install numpy' will install it.

Process finished with exit code 1

I've tried the 32-bit version but I do not know how to install Mayavi 4.5 on it. I have also updated the version of numpy to 1.10 since on paper my installation of Mayavi 4.5 works on it, but I have not achieved anything. I would appreciate someone telling me at least what things to try to solve it. Thank you very much in advance.

asked by Alberto 04.09.2016 в 18:50