I hope you have a good day. I am developing a simple page as a practice of what I learned about php so far. everything came on wheels until I found an error that has stalled me and I can not correct it. Thank you very much everyone for reading and for your help. Here I leave the exact error.
"Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function From: Test Form <'[email protected]'> ;; mail () in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ Test \ form.php: 32 Stack trace: # 0 {main} thrown in C: \ xampp \ htdocs \ Test \ form.php on line 32 "
Below I leave the code block:
$de = $_POST["name"];
$destino = "[email protected]";
$mensaje .= "FORMULARIO.";
$mensaje .= "\n";
$mensaje .= "NOMBRE:" . utf8_decode($_POST["name"]) ."\n";
$mensaje .= "\n";
$mensaje .= "EMAIL: " . utf8_decode($_POST["email"]) ."\n";
$mensaje .= "MENSAJE: " . utf8_decode($_POST["message"]) ."\n";
$mensaje .= "\n";
$emailheader = "From: Formulario prueba <'[email protected]'>;
mail"($destino, $asunto, $mensaje, $emailheader) or die ("Lo sentimos, su solicitud no ha sido enviada.<br/>Intentelo de nuevo.");
echo utf8_decode(utf8_encode('Tu consulta ha sido enviada correctamente, Le respoderemos a la brevedad.'));
} else {
if($_POST["name"] == ""){
echo utf8_encode ('Por favor, indica tu nombre.');
exit; }
if($_POST["email"] == ""){
echo utf8_encode ('Por favor, indica un email de contacto.');
exit; }
if($_POST["message"] == ""){
echo utf8_encode ('Por favor, escribenos tu consulta.');