I am designing a social network and I want that when the user clicks on any of his posts, the option to edit or delete the same appears, these options are in a div, and what I intend to do can be done with a style and with the .coffee file as follows: in style I have the following: / what igue is so that the options to edit and delete are not displayed / .status .admin { display: none; }
/ when the hover action occurs within the admin section / / works with js, and so, you can see the options to edit and delete / .status.hover .admin { display: inline; }
Now, in a file called statuses.coffee, I have the following: $ - > $ ('. status'). hover (event) - > $ (this) .toggleClass ("hover")
but this is not working for me, you certainly do not see the edit or delete options, but when I click on any of the posts I do not see those options. If you think you can do it in another way without using the .coffee file it would be very helpful, although I prefer that you can work with it, because later on, I will need to use it. thank you very much