Good morning, I am developing an application that communicates with a control box and receives data from it. the control box sends me a plot in ascii with which I determine if a sensor is being covered or a loop is being stepped on, and I send it an ascii frame to control 2 traffic lights. the comuniacion that I use is via serial / ethernet with a converter. the problem I have is that with the class TCPclient , I can send data to the control box without problems, but when I want to receive data from it using tcplistener I get the message :
The communication with the control box is continuous, that is, I am receiving and sending data at the same time. How can I solve this problem if I can send because I can not receive without problems, what am I doing wrong?
I enclose a fragment of the code that validates the reception of data and throws me the error.
Public Class RecebirDato
Public Delegate Sub ClientCarrier(conexionTcp As ConexionTCP)
Public Event OnClientConnected As ClientCarrier
Public Event OnClientDisconnected As ClientCarrier
Public Delegate Sub DataRecieved(conexionTcp As ConexionTCP, data As String)
Public Event OnDataRecieved As DataRecieved
Public Shared _tcpListener As TcpListener
Public Shadows _acceptThread As Thread
Private connectedClients As New List(Of ConexionTCP)
Public Sub New()
AddHandler OnDataRecieved, AddressOf MensajeRecibido
AddHandler OnClientConnected, AddressOf ConexionRecibida
AddHandler OnClientDisconnected, AddressOf ConexionCerrada
End Sub
Private Sub MensajeRecibido(conexionTcp As ConexionTCP, datos As String)
Dim paquete = New Paquete(datos)
Dim valor As String
Dim principal As New Principal
Dim contenido As String = paquete.Contenido
Dim valores As List(Of String) = Mapa.Deserializar(contenido)
valor = valores(0)
Dim msgPack = New Paquete(valor)
principal.txtObservaciones.Text = valor
End Sub
Private Sub ConexionRecibida(conexionTcp As ConexionTCP)
SyncLock connectedClients
If Not connectedClients.Contains(conexionTcp) Then
End If
End SyncLock
'Invoke(New Action(Function() InlineAssignHelper(label1.Text, String.Format("Clientes: {0}", connectedClients.Count))))
End Sub
Private Sub ConexionCerrada(conexionTcp As ConexionTCP)
SyncLock connectedClients
If connectedClients.Contains(conexionTcp) Then
Dim cliIndex As Integer = connectedClients.IndexOf(conexionTcp)
End If
End SyncLock
'Invoke(New Action(Function() InlineAssignHelper(label1.Text, String.Format("Clientes: {0}", connectedClients.Count))))
End Sub
Public Sub EscucharClientes(_ipAddress As String, _port As Integer)
_tcpListener = New TcpListener(IPAddress.Parse(_ipAddress), _port)
_acceptThread = New Thread(AddressOf AceptarClientes)
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub AceptarClientes()
Dim conexion = _tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient()
Dim srvClient = New ConexionTCP(conexion)
With srvClient
.ReadThread = New Thread(AddressOf LeerDatos)
End With
RaiseEvent OnClientConnected(srvClient)
Catch e As Exception
End Try
Loop While True
End Sub
Private Sub LeerDatos(client As Object)
Dim cli = TryCast(client, ConexionTCP)
Dim charBuffer = New List(Of Integer)()
If cli Is Nothing Then
Exit Try
End If
If cli.streamReader.EndOfStream Then
Exit Try
End If
Dim charCode As Integer = cli.streamReader.Read()
If charCode = -1 Then
Exit Try
End If
If charCode <> 0 Then
Continue Do
End If
If OnDataRecievedEvent IsNot Nothing Then
Dim chars = New Char(charBuffer.Count - 1) {}
For i As Integer = 0 To charBuffer.Count - 1
chars(i) = Convert.ToChar(charBuffer(i))
Next i
Dim message = New String(chars)
RaiseEvent OnDataRecieved(cli, message)
End If
Catch generatedExceptionName As IOException
Exit Try
Catch e As Exception
Exit Try
End Try
Loop While True
RaiseEvent OnClientDisconnected(cli)
End Sub
End Class
in advance thanks for your help.