Notifications generated from Magento


I need to automate certain processes related to a virtual store developed with Magento, and I would like to know if there is any configuration that allows me to send notifications from Magento to a previously specified remote host

For example, if a product has been sold, a POST request with the minimum required data is thrown to a remote endpoint, and on that remote host I would be responsible for processing the data at convenience

I have worked with other E-commerce APIs, and for example in Mercadolibre you can specify an endpoint where you want to receive notifications (and it works), but I have not found anything similar in Magento

A plugin could be useful too

Thanks in advance!

asked by hrkns 26.12.2016 в 20:33

1 answer


Perhaps the best option I can think of is that you create a magento plugin .

Use one that runs after the event you want to notify, in it you can make the http request you want.

answered by 28.12.2016 в 20:38