JQuery slideDown & slideUp in menu


I have the following page on which I have problems with the mobile menu:


By changing the size of the screen to phone resolution, you have a menu with several items that have their own sub-menu. When you click on these items, the hidden sub-menu appears with a slide-down effect, and when you click again or click on another item, the sub-menu is hidden again with slide-up. The problem is that when you "resize" the screen again or scroll or something, the effect goes out of control. Now it happens that when you click once, the slide-down and the slide-up are executed automatically afterwards, that is, the sub-menus are un-hidden and immediately hide themselves. What is wrong?

This is the code:

$(window).on('load resize', function () {   
    if ($(window).width() >= 1000){ 
      $("#menu-top.touch .menu-item-has-children a").addClass("primer-boton").css('cursor','pointer');
      $("#menu-top.touch .sub-menu a").removeClass();
      $("#menu-top.touch .primer-boton").removeAttr("href");
      $('#menu-top.touch .menu-item-has-children > .sub-menu').parent().click(function() {
        var submenu = $(this).children('.sub-menu');
        if ( $(submenu).is(':hidden') ) {
        } else {

asked by Felipe Pino 09.12.2016 в 18:03

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