Fatal error Joomla-PHP | Domain 1 & 1


I have a contracted domain in 1 & 1 and I've been on the web for a few days and I get this error . Do you know which can be the source of the problem ?

Thank you for your attention.

Fatal error: Cannot use Joomla\String\String as String because 'String' is a special class name in /homepages/43/d585417661/htdocs/libraries/vendor/joomla/registry/src/Format/Json.php on line 12

URL of the web: link

Json.php file code:

 * Part of the Joomla Framework Registry Package
 * @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license    GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE

namespace Joomla\Registry\Format;

use Joomla\Registry\AbstractRegistryFormat;
use Joomla\String\String;

 * JSON format handler for Registry.
 * @since  1.0
class Json extends AbstractRegistryFormat
     * Converts an object into a JSON formatted string.
     * @param   object  $object   Data source object.
     * @param   array   $options  Options used by the formatter.
     * @return  string  JSON formatted string.
     * @since   1.0
    public function objectToString($object, $options = array())
        return String::unicode_to_utf8(json_encode($object));

     * Parse a JSON formatted string and convert it into an object.
     * If the string is not in JSON format, this method will attempt to parse it as INI format.
     * @param   string  $data     JSON formatted string to convert.
     * @param   array   $options  Options used by the formatter.
     * @return  object   Data object.
     * @since   1.0
    public function stringToObject($data, array $options = array('processSections' => false))
        $data = trim($data);

        if ((substr($data, 0, 1) != '{') && (substr($data, -1, 1) != '}'))
            $ini = AbstractRegistryFormat::getInstance('Ini');
            $obj = $ini->stringToObject($data, $options);
            $obj = json_decode($data);

        return $obj;


I'm trying to update the Joomla version, from 3.4.3 to 3.6.4 and Skip the following Error :

asked by Antonio 02.12.2016 в 15:35

1 answer


It is a known error of old versions of Joomla !, it happens when using PHP7 with versions of the CMS that are not compatible with this version of PHP.

Currently it should work without problem if you use the most recent version, 3.6.4

More information about the bug can be found in the Joomla! GitHub repository: link

answered by 02.12.2016 / 15:46