Seeing the specifications of the "query" within the import of the firebase,
you can see that the "orderByValue" option only accepts a boolean:
export interface Query {
[key: string]: any;
orderByKey?: boolean | Observable<boolean>;
orderByPriority?: boolean | Observable<boolean>;
orderByChild?: string | Observable<string>;
orderByValue?: boolean | Observable<boolean>;
equalTo?: any | Observable<any>;
startAt?: any | Observable<any>;
endAt?: any | Observable<any>;
limitToFirst?: number | Observable<number>;
limitToLast?: number | Observable<number>;
On the other hand, "queries" can only be ordered by a specific type of method. This means that you can only sort by OrderByKey, orderByPriority, orderByChild or orderByValue.
I hope I helped you. Greetings