I wanted to see if they could help me, what happens is that I do not want to be redirected to the combobox when the session has finished but that of "Ups A problem has occurred etc ..." I painted it on the whole screen, somehow of being able to do it the time I have it in 1 minute and this is the code that I have that is responsible for a certain time the session ends,
1 // in the XML
I hope and you can give me some idea of how I could correct this problem
Greetings to all cordial
This method is the one that makes the query in the controller and returns it in a .jsp called error, and that same one is painted in the combo-box and that I do not want to be shown that way
@RequestMapping({"/obtieneGrupos.do"}) public String obtieneGrupos(HttpServletRequest request, @ModelAttribute AmbienteTO ambienteIN, @ModelAttribute GuiaTO guiaIN, ModelMap modelMap) {
HttpSession session = request.getSession(false); if(session == null || session.getAttribute("usuarioTO") == null){
ExceptionTO mensajeErrorTO = new ExceptionTO(); mensajeErrorTO.setMensaje("La sesión ha terminado. Vuelva ingresar al sistema por favor");
modelMap.addAttribute("mensajeErrorTO", mensajeErrorTO);
return "comunes/error";
This is the view, and a function that calls it is used:
function seleccionaGuia(valor) { realizaPost('./obtieneGrupos.do', '#recordsFrm', '#cargaGrupos', 'cargaGrupos'); }
This is a generic function that causes you to load the information that previously appears a Spinner:
function realizaPost(url, idForm, divResult, idLoadingTarget) {
var spinner = loading(idLoadingTarget);
if(idForm != null) {
$.post(url, $(idForm).serialize(), function(data){
//alert(data.indexOf("La sesión ha terminado"));
// if(data.indexOf("La sesión ha terminado") != -1) { //
// $("#divPrincipal").empty().append(data); //
// } else {
}).fail(function() {
} else {
$.post(url, function(data){
You tell me if you need another one I can provide and I gladly put it ... Regards