Vector dispersed operations


I'm doing this class called matrix, and I want to work with dynamic arrays, istreams ostreams, with scattered vectors, but I have not been able to start, this is what I did, any idea is appreciated:

// Operaciones con matrices:suma,resta,multiplicación, inversa istream ostream

#pragma once

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

class matriz {
    const int m_ = 50; //filas primera matriz
    const int n_ = 50:

    const int f_ = 50; //filas segunda matriz
    const int c_ = 50;

    const int b_ = 50;//filas matriz suma
    const int e_ = 50;

    int A[m_][n_];
    int B[f_][c_];

    int C[b_][e_];

    double * val_;
    int*  inx_;
    int  nz_;
    int n_;

    int *M= new int [m_*n_]; // array dinamico primera matriz
    int *N= new int [f_*c_]; // array dinamico segunda matriz


    matriz (const int m,const int n, const int f, const int c) {

    ~matriz() {}
    //getters y setters
    void setm_ (const int m) {m_=m;}

    const int getm_(void) {return m_;}

    void setn_ (const int n) {n_=n}

    const int getn_(void) {return n_;}

    void setf_ (const int n) {n_=n;}
    const int getf_(void) {return f_;}

    void setc_(const int c) {c_=c;}
    const int getc_ (void) {return c_;}


    int suma(void);

    int resta(void);

    int multiplicacion(void);

    int inversa(void);

for (int i=0; i<

So far what I did, thank you very much thank you very much

asked by Robert 26.02.2017 в 12:56

1 answer


Errors or inconsistencies in your code:

  • The lines of code end with a semicolon, not with a colon

    const int n_ = 50:
    //               ^
  • The variables must be descriptive for the code to be readable. If you need a comment to know what function that variable has, you are doing something wrong.

    const int m_ = 50; // Que es m_? 
    const int n_ = 50; // y n_? que diferencia hay entre ambas?
    const int f_ = 50; // idem
    const int c_ = 50; // idem
    const int b_ = 50; // idem
    const int e_ = 50; // idem
  • If you want to work with dynamic dimensions you can not declare variables as constants

    const int m_ = 50; // m_ no deberia ser const
    void setm_ (const int m) {m_=m;} // Error m_ es constante
  • If you want constant dimensions you have to use dynamic memory ( new and delete ) instead of creating arrays based on fixed size

    int A[m_][n_]; // A siempre sera de 50x50
    int B[f_][c_]; // B siempre sera de 50x50
    int C[b_][e_]; // C siempre sera de 50x50
  • If you want to use several arrays it will always be preferable to create several objects of type matriz .

    int A[m_][n_]; // memoria interna del objeto array
    int B[f_][c_]; // sobra
    int C[b_][e_]; // sobra
  • Dynamic memory reservations are made at run time, not compile. Consequently, these initializations must be done within a function (such as the constructor)

    // Incorrecto
    int *M= new int [m_*n_];
    int *N= new int [f_*c_];
    // Correcto (una posibilidad)
      : M(new int[m_*n_])
        N(new int[f_*c_])
    { }
  • If, for the internal management of an object, you make dynamic memory reservations to bad, the destructor must take charge of releasing said reserves

      delete[] M;
      delete[] N;
  • How should the class stay then?

    In the end, the simple is usually what works best (at least at the beginning):

    • Each object of type matriz should only manage a data matrix
    • Changing dimensions dynamically will not be allowed. For this it is preferable to create a new object
      • if the dimensions are larger, how are the new cells initialized?
      • if the dimensions are smaller, is it acceptable to lose data?
    • A mechanism is needed to modify the values of the matrix.

    A solution to the interface:

    class matriz {
      int filas_;
      int columnas_;
      int *datos_;
      matriz(int filas, int columnas)
        : filas_(filas),
          datos_(new int[filas*columnas])
        delete[] datos_;
      int& Valores(int fila, int columna)
        return datos_[fila*columnas_+columna];
      matriz suma(matriz const& otra) const;
      matriz resta(matriz const& otra) const;
      matriz multiplicacion(matriz const& otra) const;
      matriz inversa(matriz const& otra) const;

    Final advice: Do not get into shirts of eleven yards if your C ++ base is scarce.

    answered by 27.02.2017 в 09:20