Error "tether.on is not a function."


One of the JavaScript effects in my navigation bar, which is activated by scroll , disappeared, I saw in my console and it throws me this error:

TypeError: tether.on is not a function. (In 'tether.on', 'tether.on' is undefined)
(función anónima) — redessociales:781
each — jquery.js:123
each — jquery.js:30
(función anónima) — redessociales:735
i — jquery.js:1002
fireWith — jquery.js:1039:94
ready — jquery.js:1105:110
K — jquery.js:1112:105

I tried deleting a mailchimp form that I recently entered in my sidebar , but nothing. I appreciate your help!

asked by Natalia 04.01.2017 в 19:22

1 answer


What you are saying is that tether.on is not yet a function. This is because the function is being called but it has not yet been charged. And I do not charge because the path of the .js file is wrong or because the function is defined after the call to the function. Please verify this.

answered by 29.01.2017 в 04:00