I am trying to make dependent selects in 3 levels, without access to database.
How could I do them in Angular JS?
Countries >
- Departments >
- Provinces
I am trying to make dependent selects in 3 levels, without access to database.
How could I do them in Angular JS?
Countries >
For this you must do something like this:
Defines the 3 selectors
<select name="selectPais" id="selectPais" ng-model="data.defaultPais" ng-options="pais.paisCodigo as pais.paisNombre for pais in paises track by pais.paisCodigo" ng-change="updateDropDownDepartamentos(data.defaultPais)">
<option value="">Seleccione país</option>
<select name="selectDepartamento" id="selectDepartamento" ng-disabled="!data.defaultPais" ng-model="data.defaultDepartamento" ng-options="departamento.deptoId as departamento.deptoNombre for departamento in departamentos_filter " ng-change="updateDropDownProvincias(data.defaultDepartamento)">
<option value="">Seleccione departamento</option>
<select name="selectProvincias" id="selectProvincias" ng-model="data.defaultProvincias" ng-options="provincia.proNombre for provincia in provincias_filter">
<option value="">Seleccione categoría</option>
As you can tell in the first select you give the options of your country arrangement or your list, each country SHOULD have a code ( pais.paisCodigo
in this example) define a ng-model that is data.defaultPais
. When this selector changes it calls the updateDropDownDepartamentos
function that the country that you selected receives as a parameter.
$scope.updateTheOtherDropdown = function(pais) {
$scope.departamentos_filter = $filter('filter')($scope.departamentos, { deptoPaisCodigo: pais });
In this function, within your Departments arrangement, filter by those that only have the deptoPaisCodigo
that you selected in the first selector and declare the variable $ scope.departamentos_filter that you occupy to fill the second selector. This in the third selector occurs in the same way.
I leave you a codepen so you can understand it better Codepen Select