I am using the pymongo module, to record data in a mongodb collection. But, when I go to review the data, I find that they are not recorded in the order in which I wrote them. If I insert them directly from the mongodb shell, there are no problems. I have read that by default both insert_one and insert_many, they record the data in the same order as it is written, but I do not know where the problem is? I'm using the latest version of module 3.4.0 and the version of mongo 2.6.11 (the one with the ubuntu repository).
my code
from pymongo import MongoClient
serverdb = MongoClient('', 27017)
db = serverdb.ERP
coleccion = db.FichaCliente
coleccion.insert_one({'1 nombre':'Antonio', '2 telefono':999999999, '3 email':'[email protected]'})
Any idea why?