I have created a web server with apache, php5, etc in a Raspberry 3. I have 2 virtualhost, one hosted on a pendrive with name "servername" pruebas.com Otri with name "pruba1" is hosted in a root html folder / var / www / html / prueba1
the raspberry has the local ip 192.1c8.110
I do not know how to invoke tests.com or test1
Poque when I write gives error "Not found" because it looks for the pruebas.com folder inside the html root (/ var / www ..)
I have modified the windows host from which I try to access the raspi. hot: tests.com
When I write tests.com in the browser, it goes to the index of the raspi, that is, to the main., but not to the configuration of the virtualhos
Forgive the brick. How can I access each virtualhost from win?