Vagrant with php7 and MariaDB?


I've been looking for how I can run vagrant with a virtual machine that has php7 and MariaBD, but I have not found it like. Someone who has an environment so you can help me ?. Note: I attached a link on which I base to mount an environment with vagrant, but use MySQL and PHP 5 and would like to change the versions.


asked by SmithBit 04.12.2016 в 19:41

1 answer


If you just need to have a Vagrant with PHP7 and MariaDB, you have many virtual machine options that already include this, the most common currently is Homestead (from Laravel):


If what you want is to learn to create your own virtual machine with Vagrant and "provision it" (Vagrant term) with PHP7 and MariaDB in a more professional way than a simple script like the one in the link that you copied, you can throw it a look at Chef and Berks (Now included in ChefDK) to mount a recipe that allows generating virtual machines with all the necessary dependencies and packages.

answered by 04.12.2016 в 20:25