I have a free server, which I want to use to redirect to my server local apache, keeping its original url, in all my local apache server, both in folders, and in sub-folders. By using the following code it is possible to keep the origin URL but only in the root folder, BUT not in the folders and sub-folders. Because when you pass the cursor over them, the real Publish ip address of my local Apache server is displayed.
How do I make the url source show up all over my local apache site, including folders and sub-folders?
Thank you.
<frameset rows=’100%, *’ frameborder=no framespacing=0 border=0>
<frame src="http://miservidorlocalapache:#puerto/"
name=mainwindow frameborder=no framespacing=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0></frame>
Su navegador no soporta frames. Le recomendamos actualizar su navegador.