Dataset has 1393 rows, but only 24 of them are displayed (


Dear friends, I am filling a Dataset using a DataGridView in Visual Basic 2013 and then sending it to Crystal Report. I was able to verify that the "Customer" table of my Dataset contains 1393 records, but only 24 are displayed. Paradoxically, in the following "executions" of the application, 26 registers are generated, and now that I continue to execute (without modifying my code) ) only 1 record is displayed. Attached image where in POINT 1 is a loop that allows me to check record to record the contents of my table and does correspond to the contents of the DataGridView. In POINT 2 I think the error is, since I'm not sure if I'm doing things right. I have no error in IDE runtime. I await your comments and I am very grateful. Greetings.

asked by Ricky 07.09.2016 в 16:57

1 answer


Well I solved my problem by doing what the following video says, although this time I did not use datasets, but only datatables .. in the end the purpose was to fill a report with the information of a DataGridView:


answered by 07.09.2016 / 21:22