Exceptions with different executions


I have a question with the exceptions, in this exercise we ask that 2 exceptions be considered: One that reports on the problem (and that does not stop the execution of the program, is what I understand), and another that does produce a interruption, and therefore, the execution stops with its corresponding error. I believe that I have correctly created the method and exception for the case of the interruption, but I doubt if they are correctly constructed. I appreciate any response that clarifies how best to use the exceptions, or the correct way to use them.

Exercise Statement

Construct an InvoiceBrowned class that descends from the Invoice class and that includes the issuer (company that issues the invoice) and client attributes and at least one method called printFacture that displays all the attributes (both those inherited from Invoice and InvoiceBased ). The Invoice class will have the following attributes: CIF (alphanumeric), invoice number and total. This class will have a unique constructor to which these attributes will be passed by parameters and will be initialized. The following exceptions should be considered:

  • Negative amount: will produce an interruption in the program if the Total attribute is stored with a negative amount.
  • Emitter blank: will be informative, and will occur if initialized the emitter with the empty string. All attributes will be private and In addition to the methods indicated in the statement, you must create those that are considered convenient that are needed.


public class FacturaEmitida extends Factura {

    private String emisor;
    private String cliente;

    FacturaEmitida(String cif, int numFactura, double total, String emisor, String cliente){

        this.emisor = emisor;
        this.cliente = cliente;

    public void imprimirFactura() {

        System.out.println("CIF: " + this.getCif() + "\n" +
                            "Número de factura: " + this.getNumFactura() + "\n" +
                            "Emisor: " + this.getEmisor() + "\n" +
                            "Cliente: " + this.getCliente() + "\n" +
                            "Total: " + this.getTotal() + "\n");

    public class ValorNoValido extends Exception{
        public ValorNoValido(){ }
        public ValorNoValido(String cadena){
                 super(cadena); //Llama al constructor de Exception y le pasa el contenido de cadena

    public void comprobarImporte() throws ValorNoValido {

          if(this.getTotal() < 0){
              throw new ValorNoValido("El importe total no puede ser negativo.");

    public String comprobarEmisor(String emisor){
    //name.trim().length() == 0
    if (this.getEmisor() == "" || this.getEmisor() == null) {
        this.emisor = "";
        throw new RuntimeException("El campo de Emisor no puede quedar vacío.");        
    return emisor;


     * @return the emisor
    public String getEmisor() {
        return emisor;

     * @param emisor the emisor to set
    public void setEmisor(String emisor) {
        this.emisor = emisor;

     * @return the cliente
    public String getCliente() {
        return cliente;

     * @param cliente the cliente to set
    public void setCliente(String cliente) {
        this.cliente = cliente;



public class Factura {

private String cif;
private int numFactura;
private double total;

Factura(String cif, int numFactura, double total){
        this.cif = cif;
        this.numFactura = numFactura;
        this.total = total;

     * @return the cif
    public String getCif() {
        return cif;

     * @param cif the cif to set
    public void setCif(String cif) {
        this.cif = cif;

     * @return the numFactura
    public int getNumFactura() {
        return numFactura;

     * @param numFactura the numFactura to set
    public void setNumFactura(int numFactura) {
        this.numFactura = numFactura;

     * @return the total
    public double getTotal() {
        return total;

     * @param total the total to set
    public void setTotal(double total) {
        this.total = total;



public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        FacturaEmitida fact = new FacturaEmitida("844571X", 222, 1500, "", "Weist Cheing");
        try {
        }catch (FacturaEmitida.ValorNoValido e) {
        }catch(RuntimeException ex){

asked by Nando 01.10.2016 в 05:13

2 answers


In the way you have it defined now the program will be interrupted in the two types of exceptions, not getting to execute the line fact.imprimirFactura(); in case of any of the exceptions, it should be something like this to achieve what the statement:


public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    FacturaEmitida fact = new FacturaEmitida("844571X", 222, 1500, "", "Weist Cheing");
    try {
        try {
        }catch(RuntimeException ex){
        }catch (FacturaEmitida.ValorNoValido e) {
answered by 22.11.2016 в 02:37

I understand your approach in this way:

  • If you import, it is negative EXCEPTION
  • If the sender is blank INFORM
  • I quote your question


    White transmitter: will be informative

    Therefore the only one but that I see in your code remove the exception and only INFORM:

    public String comprobarEmisor(String emisor){
    //name.trim().length() == 0
    if (this.getEmisor() == "" || this.getEmisor() == null) {
        this.emisor = "";
        System.out.println("El campo de Emisor es vacío.");        
    return emisor;

    If you prove this, the only exception (and therefore interrupt the execution of printing the invoice) will be given when the value of the amount is negative.

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        FacturaEmitida fact = new FacturaEmitida("844571X", 222, 1500, "", "Weist Cheing");
        try {
        }catch (FacturaEmitida.ValorNoValido e) {
    answered by 23.12.2016 в 19:00