You should eliminate all restrictions and static positioning of the elements that make up the screen and create% dynamic_co_counts that allow you to position the elements according to the size of the screen.
For example, you would start with the top button by placing it in the center of the screen. To do this you must go to the Size Inspector and with the right button select the element to position:
- "Center Horizontally in View" with View.
- "Top Space to View" with View.
* Left:
- "Top" with Top Central Icon. (vertical space with respect to the upper icon)
- "Leading Space to View" with View. (lateral space with respect to the view)
* Right:
- "Top" with Top Central Icon. (vertical space with respect to the upper icon)
- "Leading Space to View" with Left Icon 1st Row. (lateral space with respect to the icon of the same row)
* Left:
- "Top" with Icon Bottom 1st Row. (vertical space with respect to the icon in the top row)
- "Leading Space to View" with View. (lateral space with respect to the view)
* Right:
- "Top" with Icon Bottom 1st Row. (vertical space with respect to the icon in the top row)
- "Leading Space to View" with Icon Left 2nd Row. (lateral space with respect to the icon of the same row)
In this way you will be able to position the elements independently of the size of the screen.
I hope you find it useful.