Good morning. I'm passing the jquery data to the html so that it shows them and the image is not loading it.
This is the code:
dataType: "json",
url: "/Home/filtro",
data: { tran: transaccion, loca: loca, barrio: barrio, tipo: tipo },
success: function (data) {
var c = data.length;
var contenido = "";
for (var i = 0; i < c; i++) {
obLista = data[i];
contenido += "<div class='col-md-3'>";
contenido += "<img src='~/Imagenes/Inmuebles/" + obLista.imagen + "' class='img-responsive' width='800' height='600'>";
contenido += "</div>"
contenido += "<h3 >" + obLista.tipo + " </h3>";
contenido += "<h5 >" + obLista.localidad + " </h5>";
contenido += "<h5 >" + obLista.barrio + " </h5>";
var f = document.getElementById("f");
f.innerHTML = contenido;
I do not know if I'm doing well, any recommendation would be useful. Greetings