There is no problem with the JSON format.
The error ..
Request header field Content-Type is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers.
.. occurs when the server does not report that it supports the header Content-Type
in a Cross-Origin request. This is a security feature offered by all browsers, called Policy of the Same Origin . The intention of this feature is to prevent you from accessing another server using XMLHttpRequest
unless the second server explicitly allows it for your site, http method and headers included. Without this any page you visit could access your email (to mention an example).
If you look at the console, you will see that before the error, the browser sends an OPTIONS request (known as preflight) and that the header does not include this header:
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type
As the server
does not send this header in the response to OPTIONS
due to its configuration of CORS (Cross-Origin-Resource-Share) the browser interrupts the request, does not send the POST and shows the error you see.
There are different ways to skip the Policy of the same origin.
Enable CORS
Enable explicitly on server
header Content-Type
, how to do this depends on the server software used. It is not the same to configure it in IIS, NodeJs or Apache. But it consists in telling the server that I sent the above-mentioned header in the response to OPTIONS
(this will enable the browser to send the POST)
To enable it, you must be (or have access to) a server administrator.
Instead of making a request XMLHttpRequest
you can use JSONP
is a technique designed to meet the limitation of AJAX between domains.
To use JSONP, the remote server must support it.
A JSONP request is done in AngularJS: (notese callback = JSON_CALLBACK)
var url = '';
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// exito
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// error
See the documentation for $http.jsonp
for angular.
This is done to protect you, but when you are a programmer it can become a problem. My recommendation is that you try to enable the header for CORS on the server, in the second instance you try JSONP.