Create an application on the twitter account "xyz" that sends tweets using TwitterOauth / REST API 1.1 to the same account using this code and works well
// $consumerKey = consumerkeystring;
// $consumerSecret = consumersecretstring;
// $oAuthToken = oauthtokenstring;
// $oAuthSecret = oauthsecretstring; require_once('twitteroauth.php');
$tweet = new TwitterOAuth($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $oAuthToken, $oAuthSecret);
$attachment = "image.JPG"; $image = "@{$attachment};type=image/jpeg";
$statusMessage = 'New tweet ';
$response = $tweet->post('statuses/update_with_media', array('status' => $statusMessage,'media[]' => "$image"),true);
Now I want to create an application using the same "xyz" account that sends tweets to another "abc" account so I do not have to create a developer account for each twitter account I want to send tweets to. How do I do this?