Error starting the IBM Websphere Application Server V8.5 server


I've been working with this server for a while and old versions, it's true that this has failed me from time to time for no apparent reason but restarting it was enough to make it run normally again. The case is that yesterday I put as a generic argument the "-Dclient.encoding.override = UTF-8" and to restart it for the changes to take effect began to throw me the following message (highlighted in yellow):

Let's see if anyone can help me while I'm still investigating. If I solved it, I send you the answer.

1.- I have been looking at the file that says the message to visualize the error, just like yesterday afternoon I do not see anything and it is because it is not updated, it is seen that the error is also harming this file and not It records nothing since yesterday afternoon when I stopped it to restart it and that it had an effect on the JVM argument.

asked by Javier GT 05.08.2016 в 09:41

1 answer


The solution was to try to find the file in which was recorded what was played in the administrative console, specifically what I touched was the generic argument jvm and I smelled that I had eaten the script, I did not think that could be the problem but indeed it was. Thanks to the comment of @PaulVargas to locate the file where I should look if it was all right I saw that the script was missing the argument: Dclient.encoding.override = UTF-8.

The server.xml file to be touched is located on the following route:

[ourlocalpath] \ IBM \ WebSphere \ AppServer \ profiles \ AppSrv01 \ config \ cells \ por003016Node01Cell \ nodes \ por003016Node01 \ servers \ server1 and once open we look for: genericJvmArguments in the file, check that it contains the following: genericJvmArguments=" -Dclient.encoding.override = UTF-8 ". As I say, the script was missing and I was giving the error that I present above.

If something similar happens to you here, you have the solution but to think that it may be due to any other type of add-on that you do, I do not think it is a specific problem of the generic argument, I hope it can help someone in the future with the same problem as me. Greetings.

answered by 08.08.2016 / 09:41