Here I again. It turns out that I'm looking to show an image hosted in the database. I tried decoding the base64 version and it showed me choppy, right now I was looking for how to do it by blob and it does not show me anything. Here I send the codes and how they are stored in the database (the server I occupy at work does not take the sqlsrv driver so I had to use one that is already obsolete).
include 'src/functions/dbfunctions.php';
$conn = connectDB();
$id = $_GET['id'];
if ($id > 0){
//vamos a crear nuestra consulta SQL
$query = "SELECT imagen_GXI from formulario WHERE formularioId = '$id'";
//con mysql_query la ejecutamos en nuestra base de datos indicada anteriormente
//de lo contrario mostraremos el error que ocaciono la consulta y detendremos la ejecucion.
$resultado= mssql_query($query, $conn) or die(mssql_error());
//si el resultado fue exitoso
//obtendremos el dato que ha devuelto la base de datos
$datos = mssql_fetch_assoc($resultado);
//ruta va a obtener un valor parecido a "imagenes/nombre_imagen.jpg" por ejemplo
$imagen = $datos['imagen_GXI'];
//ahora colocamos la cabeceras correcta segun el tipo de imagen
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
echo $imagen;
As I show the image in modvegetales.php
<img src="blob.php?id=<?php echo $id; ?>" />
This is how they are stored in the database:
And this is shown in blob.php according to the id:
Any help or suggestion I am grateful. Thanks!