How to view local database through internet [closed]


I have a local database in my house with MS Sql Server, from this database I only need to show a data from a table through the internet or an application, I would like to know which is the easiest way to achieve this, to exemplify , if in the local database something more is added to the total, that total will be shown in the application. If in the database the "total" column changes from 10 to 20, that 20 will be displayed in the application.

asked by Jeffrey Cedeño 07.05.2016 в 17:34

1 answer


If you want to access your database remotely, you have to have a public ip, preferably static so you can connect to the service you want without losing the connection, you must also open the ports on the router, for example to connect to mysql you would have to open port 3306. If you want to use a web application to show the results you could raise an apache server and make it public through your router. In the following link you have an example of how to raise a web server from your home


answered by 07.05.2016 / 23:26