how to do a SQL query from different tables?


Good morning, I hope you can help me. I need to make the following query: Obtain the full name of the employees, as well as the name of the department, position and salary in which I have worked.

I have the first query that is the following:

SELECT id_emp, id_pose, id_depto, max (start_date) as ultimo_puesto FROM labora GROUP BY id_emp;

Which shows me what are the employees that I need to later know their full name, department position and salary, but I do not know how to make that query.

asked by Arturo Ortiz Vázquez 28.11.2018 в 02:57

1 answer


Welcome to Stackoverflow.

To obtain the data you need, you only have to join the tables ( JOIN ) with the reference keys and group them when necessary.

Let's start joining tables:

    d.Nombre Departamento,
    p.Descripcion Puesto,
    empleado e
      SELECT Id_Emp, MAX(Fecha_Inicio), Id_Depto, Id_Puesto
      FROM labora GROUP BY Id_Emp, Id_Depto, Id_Puesto
    ) l
      ON e.Id_Emp  = l.Id_Emp

    INNER JOIN departamento d  ON l.Id_Depto = d.Id_Depto 
    INNER JOIN puesto p ON l.Id_Puesto = p.Id_Puesto
    INNER JOIN contiene c ON p.Id_Puesto = c.Id_Puesto AND d.Id_Depto = c.Id_Depto

I have not tried the query, but it should work.

Although I see some perhaps complicated points in your data design:

  • You will notice that I have used a sub-query to filter by the maximum date in the table labora . I am not convinced that this table has been conceived as a kind of history where the dates in which an employee occupied a position and a department are kept at the same time.
  • I do not know why to know the salary it is necessary to refer to two columns (it seems a somewhat rigid and very precarious conception that would become hellish when it happens that a person from the same department and position can have a different salary from another).
answered by 28.11.2018 / 04:01