I try to save the name of a subject along with other information, but for some reason the name of the subject does not save. I try to save in the following way:
Nombre_Asig = Horario[i].NombAsig;
Asig_Nsp = Nombre_Asig.replace(/\s+/g, '');
Asig_Grupo = (Asig_Nsp+'-'+Horario[i].Grupo);
For example, if the name of the subject is Database and the group that the teacher has is 2 , then I want to save it like this:
The table is as follows:
crearTablaGrupo = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS GruposP(Fila integer primary key, Cedula text, Nombre text," +
"Apellido text, Nota1 float, Nota2 float, Nota3 float, Habilitacion float, Grupoasig text)";
insertarGrupos = "INSERT INTO GruposP(Fila, Cedula, Nombre, Apellido, Nota1, Nota2, Nota3, Habilitacion, Grupoasig)" +
I counted the question marks, and they must be the same number as the number of fields in the table, in this case 10 .
To insert the groups, it is as follows:
$cordovaSQLite.execute(db, insertarGrupos, [Cantidad_Estu, Lista[k].CeduEstu, Lista[k].NombEstu, Lista[k].ApelEstu,
Lista[k].Nota1, Lista[k].Nota2, Lista[k].Nota3], Lista[k].Habilitacion, Asig_Grupo);
To get the information I use the following query
sqlConsulta = "SELECT * FROM GruposP";
information is as follows:
0: Object
apellido: "Vides"
cedula: "11223344"
grupo: null
nombre: "Diego"
puesto: 1
1: Object
apellido: "Vides"
cedula: "11223344"
grupo: null
nombre: "Diego"
puesto: 2
The student is repeated, but it is only because he is teaching two subjects with the same teacher.
Thank you in advance for any help.