Problems with GIT repository (do not let push) [duplicate]


I have a project downloaded directly from the PhpStorm directly from the VC (version control), up to here all right, it lets me work but when I'm going to make changes it just commits me and tells me to push failed.

As I see it, it adds a bar at the end of the project route, that is link so that bar after the .git causes me conflict.

I've gotten into the .git folder of the project locally and I've gotten into the configuration file, but from what I see everything is fine, someone would know if the bug comes from there or if there could be another cause?

Here I leave the contents of the configuration file:

        repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = false
        logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
        url =
        fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
        remote = origin
        merge = refs/heads/master

By typing the command git config remote.origin.url it shows me the route correctly without the final bar.

asked by RuralGalaxy 14.07.2016 в 12:06

1 answer


The origin url is in the https form, try using the ssh form and have the ssh credentials.

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:repo/proyecto.git

If you do not have the credentials shh: link

answered by 12.10.2016 в 01:33