Good morning.
What I am trying to do is to have the client with php, so I decided to use this library (Guzzle), which allows me to consume web services type rest from php.
I have already followed the documentation but I get this error:
Attempted to load class "Client" from namespace "GuzzleHttp". Did you forget to "use" statement for e.g. "Symfony \ Component \ HttpKernel \ Client", "Symfony \ Component \ BrowserKit \ Client", "Symfony \ Bundle \ FrameworkBundle \ Client", "Solarium \ Client" or "Solarium \ Core \ Client \ Client"? "
The library is already downloaded with composer, and add the "use GuzzleHttp \ Client" but nothing.
I also added it to the AppKernel.php like this:
new EightPoints\Bundle\GuzzleBundle\GuzzleBundle()
But when I do this I get this error:
ClassNotFoundException in AppKernel.php line 42: Attempted to load class "GuzzleBundle" from namespace "EightPoints \ Bundle \ GuzzleBundle". Did you forget to "use" statement for another namespace?
What is missing? Thank you in advance.