Error with the Seed in laravel 5.6


Sorry, I have a question, maybe it's something very simple but I feel like I already locked myself in my mistake and I can not see another solution The question is this:  I have my tables or migrations:  * ranges

  Schema::create('rangos', function (Blueprint $table) {


* articles

     Schema::create('articulos', function (Blueprint $table) {

* articulo_rango

     Schema::create('articulo_rango', function (Blueprint $table) {



Then when making my factory and my seeds

I generate false data but I can not enter what is the price attribute in my database

this is my seed

    factory(App\Articulo::class, 160)->create()->each(function(App\Articulo $articulo){
            rand(16, 23),


I clarify already believes the belongsToMany

* this is in my model article

   public function rango(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(Rango::class)->withPivot('precio');

* this is in my model range

   public function articulo(){
        return $this->belongsToMany(Articulo::class)->withPivot('precio');

I hope and help me to generate my false data

I'm new to this .. greetings

this is the error   

asked by Ponse 30.10.2018 в 19:31

2 answers


You need to indicate that the column has a default value or that it is null:

Default value $table->double('precio')->default(0); Null value $table->double('precio')->nullable();

answered by 30.10.2018 в 19:51

Maybe it's because you need to specify the two additional parameters at double .


$table->double('column', 15, 8);
answered by 30.10.2018 в 19:51