I have a edittext
within a listview
with a custom adapter, in that edittext
I enter amounts and I have a textview
where the sum of the input is displayed.
The problem is that when I enter an amount of a thousand or more to the keyboard fifth as I delete that amount, but if I do less than 1000 if I leave it.
I leave my validation code where I do the sum
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s)
//Abono = (EditText)view.findViewById(R.id.edt_abono);
DetalleCxP O_DetalleCxP = (DetalleCxP)((EditText)view.findViewById(R.id.edt_abono)).getTag();
Double Total=0.0;
for(int i=0;i<DetalleArrayList.size();i++)
if (((DetalleCxP)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).TotalAplicado>0)
Total += ((DetalleCxP)DetalleArrayList.get(i)).TotalAplicado;
DecimalFormat numberFormat = new DecimalFormat("###,##0.00");
if (Total==0)
//Validacion que no te deje hacer un abono Mayo al saldo vencido
if (O_DetalleCxP.getSaldo() < O_DetalleCxP.TotalAplicado)
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"No puedes Aplicar un Abono Mayor al SaldoVencido",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();