Call to a member function consultprestamos () on a non-object


This is the class and within it I have the function ConsultarPrestamos :

class bibliotecaCliente{

function bibliotecaCliente(){
    $this->PUBLICMYSQL = new CONMYSQL;

asked by ALEX 17.03.2017 в 19:15

2 answers


First of all, you are wrongly initializing your class:

$prestamos = new bibliotecaCliente();
// Te faltó añadir los dos parentesis

Then, the variable $bibliotecaCliente is not inizialized anywhere, so you must access the consultarprestamos(); method by $prestamos which is the instance created previously

answered by 17.03.2017 в 19:29

Try this way to call the method:

answered by 17.03.2017 в 19:23