I have a problem with handling lists in Java
I do not know how to add elements to a certain list, for example:
So that I get the intermediate numbers in the same list, that is, modifying the main one, being as follows:
This is the code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Lista lista = new Lista();
public class Lista {
public class Nodo {
int info;
private Nodo sig;
public Nodo (int info) {
this.info = info;
sig = null;
private Nodo primero;
public void fill () {
Nodo aux = primero;
while (aux != null) {
public void insertarOrden (int valor) {
if (primero == null) {
primero = new Lista.Nodo(valor);
}else {
if (primero.info > valor) {
Lista.Nodo aux = new Lista.Nodo(valor);
aux.sig = primero;
primero = aux;
}else {
Lista.Nodo aux = primero;
while (aux.sig != null && aux.sig.info < valor) {
aux = aux.sig;
Lista.Nodo nuevo = new Lista.Nodo(valor);
nuevo.sig = aux.sig;
aux.sig = nuevo;