c # WordprocessingDocument replace text


Hello, I am working with WordprocessingDocument to be able to replace the fields that appear in a Word as ## USER ## and that I generate a document based on a template.

using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(dg.FileName, false, new OpenSettings()
                        foreach (DocumentVariables docVars in doc.MainDocumentPart.DocumentSettingsPart.Settings.Descendants<DocumentVariables>().ToList())
                            foreach (DocumentVariable docVar in docVars)
                                Add(sb, docVar.Val);

                        foreach (HeaderPart docVars in doc.MainDocumentPart.HeaderParts)
                            foreach (Paragraph var in docVars.RootElement.Descendants<Paragraph>().ToList())
                                //foreach (Run varRun in var.Descendants<Run>())
                                //    foreach (Text varText in var.Descendants<Text>())
                                //        Add(sb, varText.Text);
                                Add(sb, var.InnerText);

                        foreach (Paragraph var in doc.MainDocumentPart.RootElement.Descendants<Paragraph>().ToList())
                            //foreach (Run varRun in var.Descendants<Run>())
                            //    foreach (Text varText in var.Descendants<Text>())
                            //          Add(sb, varText.Text);
                            Add(sb, var.InnerText);

The question is now, if I search in the InnerText fields, everything works perfectly (but that property can not be modified), so I read the "tags" perfectly.

On the other hand, if I want to replace them, I have to use the code I have commented on (use the Text property of the Text), but there are times when Word breaks the string and I can not find ## USER ## but sometimes I find ## and in the following node USER ## , which completely breaks the replacements.

How could I avoid this, by Word or by code?

Note: the Add function only adds to a list the found texts

asked by Fernando Diaz Toledano 11.04.2017 в 14:54

2 answers


Answered at link

using DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging;
using OpenXmlPowerTools;
using System.IO;

namespace SearchAndReplace
    internal class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open("Test01.docx", true))
                TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(wordDoc:doc, search:"the", replace:"this", matchCase:false);
answered by 11.04.2017 / 16:00

I give you a method to replace text using WordprocessingDocument

public static void Reemplazar(string document,string cadenaARemplazar, string cadenaReemplazo)
    using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(document, true))
        string docText = null;
        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetStream()))
            docText = sr.ReadToEnd();

        docText = docText.Replace(cadenaARemplazar, cadenaReemplazo);

        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.GetStream(FileMode.Create)))


answered by 11.04.2017 в 16:00