I want to import an Excel table to phpmyadmin keeping italic and bold formats. (I've got everything I need except to keep the text formats).
I have the following:
I have read in several forums that in phpExcel there are instructions of type "getRichTextElements ()" but after many (muuuchas) tests I can not make it work, so something must be doing wrong.
This is the code. Could someone tell me what I should add to implement the import of styles?
require_once 'Classes/PHPExcel/IOFactory.php';
//extraer los datos del excel
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load('xls/tabla.xls');
//mostrar en pantalla la tabla importada
echo '
<table border="1" width="100%">
<tbody> ';
foreach ($objHoja as $iIndice=>$objCelda) {
echo '
//guardar los datos para insertarlos en la tabla del servidor
$sql="INSERT INTO mitabla (dato1, dato2, dato3, dato4) VALUES ('$dato1', '$dato2', '$dato3, '$dato4')";
echo '</tbody>