Showing the data that brings the stored procedure to an ASP.NET MVC 5 view


I'm trying to show what my stored procedure brings and I want to send it to view:

This is how I sent it:

 var Fechainicio = new SqlParameter
            ParameterName = "inicio" , 
            Value = FechaDesde


        var FechaFinal = new SqlParameter
            ParameterName = "final",
            Value = FechaHasta


        var empleadoid = new SqlParameter
            ParameterName = "emp",
            Value = 2393


        var deduc = db.Database.SqlQuery<PlanillaController>("exec sp_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado @inicio, @final, @emp", Fechainicio, FechaFinal, empleadoid).ToList<PlanillaController>();
        ViewBag.deduc = deduc.ToList();

Already in the view it comes like this:

foreach (var Deduccionees in (IEnumerable<RecursosHumanos.Models.sp_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado_Result>)ViewBag.Deduc)

This is the error

{"No se puede convertir un objeto de tipo 'System.Collections.Generic.List'1[RecursosHumanos.Controllers.PlanillaController]' al tipo 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable'1[RecursosHumanos.Models.sp_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado_Result]'."}

this is the data that the stored procedure should bring me

this is the sp:

create procedure sp_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado @inicio datetime, @final datetime, @emp int

from Tbl_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado ded
inner join Tbl_Deducciones tip
 on tip.DedId = ded.DedId
 inner join Tbl_Empleado emp
 on emp.EmpId = ded.EmpId
 where ded.DetDedEmpFecha >=  @inicio and 
 ded.DetDedEmpFecha <= @final and 
 ded.EmpId = @emp
 group by ded.DedId, emp.EmpId
asked by Marco Eufragio 24.10.2018 в 15:47

2 answers


Good day.

First, we need to know a little about your stored procedure and the data it returns. As for the moment we do not have that, I suggest the following since I see you have several bad points in the code:

  • Assign a generic class with the result format of your stored procedure. Assuming that your stored procedure ends with a Select * from @table or that from the beginning you declare the result as a table. Ex:

     public class ClaseGenerica
         public int ID_columnaEntero {get;set;}
         public DateTime columnaFecha {get;set;}
         public string columnaString {get;set;}
         //Y sigues colocando propiedades(columnas) con su tipo correspondiente de datos en 
         //base al resultado de tu procedimiento almacenado

    Based on the result of your SP, your class could be like this:

    public class DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado
      public int DedId {get;set;} //O si es string el codigo, lo cambias
      public decimal valor {get;set;} //como es una suma a ti te muestra valor, ya que no le asignaste nombre a la columna
      public string EmpId {get;set;} //O en su defecto el tipo de datos que es
  • Then you do everything I wrote you before, hoping to solve your problem.

  • Assign the necessary parameters for the SP and then save the result in a list of the type claseGenerica:
  • In your case, I edit how it should be

    SqlParameter @Fechainicio = new SqlParameter(){
      ParameterName = "@Fechainicio",
      DbType = DbType.Datetime, //Tipo de datos
      Value = FechaDesde
     SqlParameter @FechaFinal = new SqlParameter(){
      ParameterName = "@FechaFinal",
      DbType = DbType.Datetime, //Tipo de datos
      Value = FechaHasta
     SqlParameter @empleadoid = new SqlParameter(){
      ParameterName = "@empleadoid",
      DbType = DbType.String, //Tipo de datos o Int32 si es entero y le quitas las comillas al valor en Value
      Value = "2393"
    object[] parametros = new object[] { @Fechainicio,@FechaFinal, @empleadoid};
    List<ClaseGenerica> resultado = db.Database.SqlQuery<ClaseGenerica>("exec sp_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado @Fechainicio,@FechaFinal, @empleadoid", parametros).ToList();'
    ViewBag.deduc = resultado;
  • You show the result in your view:

    foreach(var Deduccionees in Viewbag.deduc){
  • Sorry for the comment format, I'm new here. Greetings

    answered by 25.10.2018 / 05:05

    You should define the same type of data in the action and the view

    @var lista = (List<RecursosHumanos.Models.PlanillaController>)ViewBag.Deduc;
    @foreach (var Deduccionees in lista)

    If in the action you define PlanillaController in the view you must define the same, you will see in the cast that I make the same class is used

    I do not know where you got in the view the use of sp_DetalleDeduccionesEmpleado_Result if you make the SqlQuery do not kill this type of data

    answered by 24.10.2018 в 19:48