Question about web structure


I wanted to structure this page well in html, would it be all sections you would say? What on the left would be aside or just a nav? I want to see the structure well and I'm new to this, thanks ...

asked by francisco dwq 13.01.2018 в 15:48

2 answers


The term aside represents a section of a page that consists of content that is tangentially related to the content that surrounds it, which could be considered independent of that content. These sections are often represented as sidebars or as insertions and contain an explanation in the margin as a glossary definition, indirectly related elements such as advertising, the author's biography, or in web applications, profile information or links to related blogs .

the nav would go inside the aside in the case you have exposed

section represents a generic section of a document. It is used to determine which content corresponds to which part of a scheme. Think of the scheme as in the content index of a book; a common theme and related subsections. It is, therefore, a semantic label. Its main functionality is to structure a document semantically when it is represented by a user agent. For example, a user agent that represents the document in voice could expose the user to the content index by levels to quickly navigate through the different parts.

As an example, there could be several sections, one with company information, another section with the services offered by a company, etc.

Then each section may have the article that is needed, and these represent a self-contained composition in a document, page, an application or on the site, which it is intended to be distributed independently or reusable, for example, in syndication. It could be a message in a forum, an article in a magazine or newspaper, a blog post, a comment from a user, an interactive widget or gadget, or any other element independent of the content.

answered by 13.01.2018 в 15:59

That a menu ( nav ) is displayed on a side does not mean that it has to go in a aside . You have to analyze the content and what it is going to be used for, and not how it will be visualized or represented with CSS.

The aside element is defined this way in the HTML5 standard (own translation):


The <aside> element represents a section of the page that consists of content that is tangentially related to the content of the section that contains it, and that can be considered separately from this content. This type of sections is represented as sidebars in printed type.


The element can be used for typographical effects such as quotes taken from the text or sidebars, for announcements, for groups of elements <nav> , or for other content that is considered separate from the main content to the closest ancestor of the section.

So, there is no semantic need to have the general menu of a site within a aside , it could (and should) go only with a nav without needing to be contained in a aside . For two reasons:

  • From the semantic point of view: it is not tangential content to the main content of that particular page (or any other, it is tangential to the whole site in general). Although this point could be debatable.
  • From the structural point of view: the nav would not go inside the section that contains the main content of the page.
  • It would be a different story if the nav instead of being the main menu of the page were, for example, in a blog and were links to other related blogs. Then it should go in a aside because it would be content related to the main content of the page.

    answered by 14.01.2018 в 17:06