Count the number of records in a table A by checking a contained value B


I have a question about how to count the number of records in the TUTOR table based on the type of career to which a PROJECT belongs.

This is because I want to know how many tutors are in systems projects, agronomy, nursing, in short.

It has 3 tables:

  • TUTOR: owns cedu_tuto
  • PROJECT: it has proy_id and proy_carr_id (type of career mentioned above)
  • PROJECT_TUTOR: it has proy_id, tuto_id and proy_tuto_id
  • How would you select the database to tell me how many tutors are in projects whose proy_carr_id is 1, 2 and 3?

    The nested PROJECT and TUTOR table is a link between the two.

    I know that a LEFT JOIN would be used but I do not remember in what form

    so far something goes like this:

    function bd_rep23()
        $sql = "SELECT  COUNT(*) FROM tutor where cedu_tuto 
                LEFT JOIN proyecto c ON a.tuto_id = c.carr_id
                ORDER BY a.cedu_tuto ASC";
        return $id;

    I do not know if I should first select the data and then count

    Structure of tables


    CREATE TABLE 'tutor' (
        'cedu_tuto' int(9) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Cédula',
        'ape1_tuto' varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'ape2_tuto' varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'nom1_tuto' varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'nom2_tuto' varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
        'telf_resi_tuto' varchar(11) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'telf_celu_tuto' varchar(11) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci DEFAULT NULL,
        'proy_id' int(4) NOT NULL,
        'tipo_id' int(1) NOT NULL,
        'emai_tuto' varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
    ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;


    CREATE TABLE 'proyecto' (
        'proy_id' int(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
        'proy_deno' varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'plan_proy' varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'objg_proy' varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'obje_proy' varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'fech_insc' date NOT NULL,
        'nomb_comu' varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'resp_comu' varchar(50) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'parr_id' int(4) NOT NULL,
        'deta' varchar(100) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'esta_proy_id' int(1) NOT NULL,
        'telf_inst' varchar(11) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'telf_resp' varchar(11) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'obsv_proy' varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
        'proy_carr_id' int(2) NOT NULL
    ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;


    CREATE TABLE 'proyecto_tutor' (
        'proy_tuto_id' int(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
        'proy_id' int(4) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
        'tuto_id' int(9) UNSIGNED NOT NULL
    ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

    List form

    include 'conexion.php';
    include 'cab.php';
    <h2>Reporte de Cantidades</h2>
    <table  class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
            <th><center>Tutores Asignados</th>
            <th><center>Tutores Academicos</th>
            <th><center>Tutores Comunitario</th>
            <th><center>Tutores Metodológico</th>
            <th><center>Tutores en Ing.Sistemas</th>
            <th><center>Tutores en Ing.Gas</th>
            <th><center>Tutores en Educación</th>
            <th><center>Tutores en Administración</th>
            <th><center>Tutores en Ing.Agronoma</th>
            <th><center>Tutores en Enfermería</th>
    include 'pie.php';

    Being bd_rep24 ().

    function bd_rep24()
        $sql = "SELECT proy_carr_id, COUNT(DISTINCT tuto_id)
                FROM PROYECTO_TUTOR pt
                LEFT JOIN PROYECTO p
                  ON pt.proy_id = p.proy_id
                GROUP BY proy_carr_id";
                return $id;

    Part of the connection code.php, this contains some functions to transform the querys to integers, among others.

     $m = new mysqli(
    if ($m->connect_errno)
    printf("(lrcrud) Falló conexión: %s\n", $mysqli->connect_error);
    $m->query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
    function sql($sql)
    global $m;
    $resultado = $m->query($sql);
    if ( $resultado === FALSE )
        printf( "%s\n", $m->error );
    return $resultado;
    function sqlerror($sql,$error)
    return "<html><head></head><body><ul>"
        ."<li>Instruccion SQL:<br /><pre>{$sql}</pre></li>"
        ."<li>Error SQL: <font color='red'>{$error}</font></li>"
    function sql2array($sql)
    global $m;
    if ( !$res=$m->query($sql) )
      echo sqlerror( $sql,$m->error );
    while( $temp=$res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC) )
    return $r;
    function sql2row($sql)
    global $m;
    if ( !$res=$m->query($sql) ) 
        echo sqlerror( $sql,$m->error );
    return $res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);
    function sql2value($sql)
    global $m;
    if ( !$res=$m->query($sql) )
        echo sqlerror( $sql,$m->error );
    return $p[0];
    function sql2options($sql)
    global $m;
    if ( !$res=$m->query($sql) )
      echo sqlerror( $sql,$m->error );
    while( $l=$res->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM) )
    return $r;
    function sqlexist($id,$tabla)
    global $m;
    $sql="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $tabla WHERE id = '$id'";
    if (sql2value($sql)>0)
      return TRUE;
      return FALSE;
    function sqlexistvct($valor,$campo,$tabla) {
    global $m;
    $sql="SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $tabla WHERE $campo = '$valor'";
    if (sql2value($sql)>0)
      return TRUE;
      return FALSE;
    function cifra_clave($clave,$sal)
    return sha1($clave.$sal);

    Then the functions to add edit and delete, students, tutors and projects would follow.

    I want to show like this: System tutors: 4 administration turores: 4 agronomy tutors: 4 each in a column of the list that is beginning the question.

    asked by Victor Alejandro Alvarado Vilo 09.09.2016 в 06:01

    1 answer


    To count the number of records that are not duplicated, DISTINCT is used. It can even be used within COUNT, as COUNT(DISTINCT columna) . And this we will use grouping by race with GROUP BY carr_id .


    SELECT carr_id id, COUNT(DISTINCT tuto_id) cant
      ON pt.proy_id = p.proy_id
    GROUP BY carr_id

    Example result

    |      id |                    cant |
    |       1 |                       2 |
    |       2 |                       2 |
    |       3 |                       1 |

    Demo in SQLfiddle


    To call the function:

    $tutoresCarrera = bd_rep24();

    In bd_rep24 you should get the array (not the value).

    function bd_rep24()
        $sql = "SELECT proy_carr_id id, COUNT(DISTINCT tuto_id) cant
                FROM PROYECTO_TUTOR pt
                LEFT JOIN PROYECTO p
                  ON pt.proy_id = p.proy_id
                GROUP BY proy_carr_id";
        return $id;

    And then, to build the table in the HTML:

            foreach ($tutoresCarrera as &$fila) {
                echo '<td>' . $fila['cant'] . '</td>';
    answered by 09.09.2016 / 06:28