I have correctly integrated this Github functionality into my website created in Wordpress


I have a web created in wordpress, where the forms are created in html are not created with any plugin, due to some google codes that I have positions to make me some features.

I found this functionality in github = > link

I explain what I have done. in my son theme folder I created a folder js, there I added the js that are in the build / js folder, then I added the css in the them build folder and I have referenced them in the header with the correct path. And then I added the javascript codes that it puts to work in the footer of the web.

Result of this I do not see the expected thing in fact I do not see anything.

The website where everything is done is the following = > enter the description of the link here

Does anyone give me the solution because it can not be seen? Thanks

--------------------- ASKED QUESTION ------------------------ ----------

After solving the problem above, in the end I did not have anything to do since it is only a validator and I can not pick up the country code. I decided to do it with a select, which is what I had planned from the beginning, but I have here the problem in a select and its options do not know how to add images to those optión.

asked by AitorUdabe 24.08.2017 в 17:41

2 answers


If you notice, the declaration of the variable is like this and it is in the footer.

  // allowDropdown: false,
  // autoHideDialCode: false,
  // autoPlaceholder: "off",
  // dropdownContainer: "body",
  // excludeCountries: ["us"],
  // formatOnDisplay: false,
  // geoIpLookup: function(callback) {
  //   $.get("http://ipinfo.io", function() {}, "jsonp").always(function(resp) {
  //     var countryCode = (resp && resp.country) ? resp.country : "";
  //     callback(countryCode);
  //   });
  // },
  // hiddenInput: "full_number",
  // initialCountry: "auto",
  // nationalMode: false,
  // onlyCountries: ['us', 'gb', 'ch', 'ca', 'do'],
  // placeholderNumberType: "MOBILE",
  // preferredCountries: ['cn', 'jp'],
  // separateDialCode: true,
  utilsScript: "http://www.carbray.es/landing_carbray/english/wp-content/themes/Divi-child/js/utils.js"
answered by 24.08.2017 / 17:57

The browser console is your friend ...;)

I get this when I open it ...


TypeError: $ (...). intlTelInput is not a function [Read more]

You're probably not declaring the route to the script in the header well ...

To me in Firefox I get this

answered by 24.08.2017 в 17:44