Error installing SQL Server: the required package SqlSupport.msi does not exist


I am installing SQL Server 2017, but when it reaches the ready to install step ( Ready to Install ), I receive the next problem :


Error: The required MSI package 'C: \ Developer \ Dev \ 2058_ESM_LP \ x64 \ setup \ SqlSupport.msi' does not exist.

I do not know how to solve this error, I do not know what an MSI is and what I should do. How can I solve this problem and install SQL Server 2017?

asked by CeciPeque 18.05.2018 в 21:35

2 answers


What you need is the package that contains the missing files in the following link you will find information


answered by 18.05.2018 в 21:38

It happened with SQL 2016, and the problem was that I had installed SQL2017 in English and my installer was in ESP, the steps to solve it should be:

  • Change the Windows language to the ISO language
  • If you do not want to change the language, uncompress the ISO and copy the folder "3082_ESN_LP" and rename it with "1033_ENU_LP"
  • Re-run the SQL installer and so when you search for this file again you will find it.

It worked for me

answered by 13.12.2018 в 00:19