Data is not saved correctly in class object in PHP POO


I hope you can help me or give me a constructive criticism, or guide me I have a problem when assigning attributes to a class object, in the following images. I show a little.

This is my Car class, with the set and get methods

Now the next thing I do is send her to call to pass him    values to the attributes.

And when checking with the var dump, you are only saving me in    said object, values for the type attribute    

Al momento de verificar si estoy enviando los valores del post, si estan 
los valores que quiero guardar.


This is the method to register.

As a consequence in the database, it only saves the assigned value    to the type attribute of the Automobile class.    

The person, I want to discuss a solution and need more details    let me know and I'll gladly give them to you.

If you can also recommend a reference on the internet, to solve    these details.

All this code, is for the purpose of making an abc in php, integrating    Object oriented programming.

:), it's all Thanks! ...

asked by Francisco MS380 04.09.2018 в 22:09

1 answer


Welcome to Stackoverflow.

Classes usually have a setter and a getter for each attribute or property of them.

This means that, in this case, the class Automovil should have a setter for the properties $idautomovil, $marca, $modelo, $anio ... and also a getter .

The setter would serve to change a given property once the object has been created. When the attribute of a class is private you can not modify it from outside the class by means of the assignment $instancia->atributo="valor" , as in fact you try to do. This would violate one of the fundamental principles of OOP, which is known as encapsulation .

The getter would serve to get that property.

Another aspect is the constructor of the class. Within it you can decide two things:

  • If the class will be created always empty of properties which will be set a posteriori (using the setter ). In that case the class will have an empty constructor:

     function __construct() {

    And the instance creation of the class would be written like this:

     $myAuto=new Automovil();
  • Or if it will be created with all or some of its properties. In this case, the constructor should receive the values of the properties in parameter and set them with $this :

     function __construct($idautomovil, $marca, modelo,$anio,$tipo) {
         $this->idautomovil =$idautomovil;
         $this->modelo =$modelo;

    And the instance creation of the class would be written like this:

     $myAuto=new Automovil($idAutomovil,$marca,$modelo,$anio,$tipo);

An example of your class could be this, understanding what is explained above:

class Automovil {

    private $id;
    private $marca;
    private $modelo;
    private $anio;
    private $tipo;

   function __construct() {

    public function setMarca ($marca) {

   public function getMarca () {
        return $this->marca;


We tried to create an instance:

$myAuto=new Automovil();
/*Seteamos la marca*/


object(Automovil)#1 (5) {
  string(6) "Nissan"

As you can see, the object has its mark.

I have only put a getter and setter for brevity reasons, you must complete the class with the other getter and setter for each property of the same.

Use of magical methods __set and __get

If you want to use the magic methods, for the same thing that we have said above, it is necessary to know that the method __set would be to assign the property (not to return anything), that function would correspond to the method __get .

These methods would then be written like this:

public function __set($k, $v) {
    $this->$k = $v;

public function __get($k) {
   return $this->$k;

The problem is that in your method __set you were not assigning the value to the property of the class.

Is it a good practice what you are doing?

In short, it is a terrible practice. Leaving an open __set method would violate with astonishing ease one of the basic principles of OOP: encapsulation.

That means that someone could assign a strange property to the object Automovil , for example:

$myAuto->fakeProperty='Esta propiedad no existía y se creará arbitrariamente';

If you review the object with var_dump you can see that in effect, that property has been created in your object:


  string(55) "Esta propiedad no existía y se creará arbitrariamente"


Which is to say that it is not encapsulated.

Actually, the true utility of __set is precisely ** defend the encapsulation of the object , throwing an exception and forcing to go through the setter legitimate to modify the object:

public function __set($k, $v) {
   throw new Exception ('No se puede violar la encapsulación');

Doing this, when you try to modify the object by adding a fakeProperty , an exception will be raised:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Exception: No se puede violar la encapsulación in source_file.php:25
Stack trace:
#0 source_file.php(35): Automovil->__set('fakeProperty', 'Esta propiedad ...')
#1 {main}
  thrown in source_file.php on line 25

For more details, I would recommend that you read the contributory user notes in the PHP Manual.

answered by 04.09.2018 / 23:28