I am executing this code to delete some records of a dataframe, but in line 16 (move_id / id) it is the name of the column and / separates the name of the column which is not ideal. the error response is "move_id" does not exist and it is true xq the column is called "move_id / id"
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import dataiku
from dataiku import pandasutils as pdu
import pandas as pd
# Read recipe inputs
mpicon_acc_move_line = dataiku.Dataset("MPICON_acc-move-line_")
mpicon_acc_move_line_df = mpicon_acc_move_line.get_dataframe()
exclude = ['mig2018.account_move__b00004629','mig2018.account_move__b00004636','mig2018.account_move__b00004670']
df = mpicon_acc_move_line_df[~np.in1d(mpicon_acc_move_line_df.move_id/id, exclude)]
# Write recipe outputs
mpicon_acc_move_line_filtered = dataiku.Dataset("MPICON_acc-move-line_filtered")