Cognitive Services, Face API Microsoft


I am developing an android app consuming services from the Microsoft Face API. The question arises of how to obtain or see where the groups of people and people in the different groups are kept. Or if someone knows if this data can be consulted from a section of Azure or any other site. I understand that if I create a list and it is saved, it must be somewhere, but I can not find where this data is located.

asked by Las Perseidas 31.08.2018 в 14:45

1 answer


The PersonGroup Create API is a bit different in that the caller specifies the ID. Anyway, this ID is stored in the storage of the Cognitive Services, along with all the related information, such as the people that make up this group. The exact nature of storage is intentionally opaque.

You can list the PersonGroups associated with your API key with the List API. You can consult: link

answered by 03.09.2018 / 01:50