I have a problem with oledb in C # turns out that it is a console that reads files .xlsx of a folder (170 files in total) but when it goes in reading No. 120 it falls and the error is "Unknown"
OleDbConnection Econ;
Econ = new OleDbConnection(constr);
string qTotal = string.Format("Select * from[Sheet1$]");
string qTotalvalores = string.Format("Select * from[Sheet1$B12:H755]");
OleDbCommand ETotal = new OleDbCommand(qTotal, Econ);
OleDbCommand Etotal2 = new OleDbCommand(qTotalvalores, Econ);
termino = termino + 1;
Econ.Open(); //al procesar el archivo n° 120 //Se cae la conexion en Econ.Open();
// Creacion de Dataset para cada uno de los contructores
DataSet dsTotal = new DataSet();
DataSet dsTotal2 = new DataSet();
OleDbDataAdapter odaTotal = new OleDbDataAdapter(qTotal, Econ);
OleDbDataAdapter odaTotal2 = new OleDbDataAdapter(qTotalvalores, Econ);