I have the following list of numbers which are in a .txt:
6 28 12 3 10 22 26 7 10
I need the program to know that what it reads is a 28, 12 or 22 for example.
to then put them on a list.
I have the following list of numbers which are in a .txt:
6 28 12 3 10 22 26 7 10
I need the program to know that what it reads is a 28, 12 or 22 for example.
to then put them on a list.
With this we read the file and save it in a variable. The code with
makes sure to open and close the file when the block is executed.
with open("mifichero.txt", "r") as leyendo:
datos = leyendo.read()
Now simply put them in a list. The split
command will divide the numbers each time a space is found.
mi_lista = datos.split(" ")
But all that is text, if you need it as integrity, save it like this:
mi_lista = [int(x) for x in datos.split(" ") if not " " in x ]
To check: