How can I place a Linearlayout on top of a scrollview?


I need to make a table where I have to scrolle it because there are too many rows, the header of the table must be static and be displayed when "scrolee". try to create a linearlayout with the fields of the table and in another linearlayout (that is inside a scroll), the different rows. The problem is that the scrollview overlaps the linearlayout with the fields in the table. I'm including an actionbar so in the ownership of the first linearlayout, I place it below this.

asked by Memphils 20.08.2017 в 00:32

1 answer


Just enclose the LinearLayout that you want to have that ability to navigate with the Scrolview. In your code what is wrong is that in your ScrollView you are putting the two closing labels of the linear layouts when it should be only one.

answered by 20.08.2017 в 01:18