Error url blocked app session facebook


I created a Facebook App to register on my website and this appears:


url blocked: the redirection has failed because the uri is not   included in the list of authorized clients oauth of the application.   check that the "oauth" client and web access are activated and   add all the domains of your applications as redirect uri   "oauth"

I correctly put the domain in the app's config and then in the login login config of facebook. With the https included.

asked by pauuu 03.01.2019 в 21:46

1 answer


In addition to everything that has to do with the specification of your App and the correct connection of it, making it with its respective identifier and secret key, you must add the URL that is the address to which Facebook goes to redirect after checking the data, for this you must go to Login with Facebook and then to Settings in Facebook Developers

And then add in valid OAuth redirect URI the address that completes the login with Facebook in your App

In the case of using the Django Framework



In the case of using Laravel



answered by 03.01.2019 в 22:06