List Available [closed]


Good afternoon, I have a procedure to show available vehicles for a certain period, but it is not working, this is the code that I have in the layers persistence and logic.


//public static List<Vehiculo> disponible(DateTime Ini, DateTime Fin)
        //    List<Vehiculo> vehiculodis = new List<Vehiculo>();
        //    string letmatv = "", marca = "", modelo = "", anclaje = "", tipo = "";
        //    int nrosmatv = 0, año = 0, cantP = 0, costo = 0, carg = 0;
        //    DateTime inicio = Ini;
        //    DateTime final = Fin;
        //    DateTime i;
        //    DateTime f;
        //    Alquiler aA = null;
        //    Vehiculo v = null;
        //    Utilitario U = null;
        //    string x = null;
        //    SqlConnection oconexion = new SqlConnection(conexion.STR);
        //    SqlCommand oComando = new SqlCommand("VehiculosDisponiblesPeriodo", oconexion);
        //    oComando.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        //    SqlParameter oComando1 = new SqlParameter("@desde", inicio);
        //    SqlParameter oComando2 = new SqlParameter("@hasta", final);
        //    oComando.Parameters.Add(oComando1);
        //    oComando.Parameters.Add(oComando2);
        //    SqlDataReader oreader;
        //    try
        //    {
        //        oconexion.Open();
        //        oreader = oComando.ExecuteReader();

        //        if (oreader.Read())
        //        {

        //                letmatv = (string)oreader["LetrasMatV"];
        //                nrosmatv = (int)oreader["NrosMatV"];
        //                marca = (string)oreader["marcaV"];
        //                modelo = (string)oreader["modeloV"];
        //                año = (int)oreader["añoV"];
        //                cantP = (int)oreader["cantPV"];
        //                costo = (int)oreader["costoDV"];
        //                i = (DateTime)oreader["fechaIni"];
        //                f = (DateTime)oreader["fechaFin"];
        //                aA = new Alquiler(i, f, v);
        //            }

        //            vehiculodis.Add(aA);
        //            return vehiculodis;

        //    }

        //    catch (Exception ex)
        //    {
        //        throw ex;
        //    }
        //    finally
        //    {
        //        oconexion.Close();
        //    }


 //public static List<Alquiler> dispo(DateTime ini, DateTime fin)
        //    List<Alquiler> oAux = persistenciaAlquiler.//disponible(ini, fin);
        //    return oAux;


protected void btnDis_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DateTime ini;
        DateTime fin;
        ini = Convert.ToDateTime(txtIni.Text);
        fin = Convert.ToDateTime(txtFin.Text);
        List<string> disponible = logicaAlquiler.dispo(ini, fin);
        for (int i = 0; i < disponible.Count; i++)

asked by eleaefe 27.12.2017 в 18:53

1 answer


The problem is that to add the available ones to the list, using an if, so only the first result of your sql query is added to the list. Instead it uses a while, to add the available ones. It would be like this:

    //    try
    //    {
    //        oconexion.Open();
    //        oreader = oComando.ExecuteReader();

    //        while (oreader.Read())
    //        {

    //                letmatv = (string)oreader["LetrasMatV"];
    //                nrosmatv = (int)oreader["NrosMatV"];
    //                marca = (string)oreader["marcaV"];
    //                modelo = (string)oreader["modeloV"];
    //                año = (int)oreader["añoV"];
    //                cantP = (int)oreader["cantPV"];
    //                costo = (int)oreader["costoDV"];
    //                i = (DateTime)oreader["fechaIni"];
    //                f = (DateTime)oreader["fechaFin"];
    //                aA = new Alquiler(i, f, v);
    //            }

    //            return vehiculodis;

    //    }

    //    catch (Exception ex)
    //    {
    //        throw ex;
    //    }
    //    finally
    //    {
    //        oconexion.Close();
    //    }
answered by 27.12.2017 в 21:40