We can use your query as the basis of everything we do to add that new column.
As it does not exist, we can not add it directly in your query.
Let's call your query A * (that means that every time you read that, you would have to be all your query as it is now)
But we could make a union for example to generate the output:
Select 'grafico 2 y datos 2' subtotal,
from (A*)
where org_account In ('OtaDMC','otarca1')
Select 'grafico 3 y datos 3' subtotal,
from (A*)
where org_account In ('Gateway_G','MNP_icon'.....)
UNION .....
Notice that you have to complete it where the ellipses are.
Also, we could use a case
Case org_account
when 'OtaDMC' then 'grafico 2 y datos 2'
when 'otarca1' then 'grafico 2 y datos 2'
when 'Gateway_G' then 'grafico 3 y datos 3'
when 'MNP_icon' then 'grafico 3 y datos 3'
when .......
end subtotal
from (A*)
Where you would also have to complete the ellipses.
All this would be easier, if your ranges were already defined in another table, and only adjust them use a join. But as you decide that your table does not have an id, it would be more complex ..
Although the recommendation would be to create a table
Rango nombre_dato
grafico 2 y datos 2 OtaDMC
grafico 2 y datos 2 otarca1
And then, with that, you would only make a join between your query and this table in the following way:
Select Rango, org_account, Total_MT
From (A*) inner join nuevatabla on nombre_dato = org_account