I have Ubuntu 17.10 operating system, with all its updates. I want to learn how to use Python, then paste the jump, on my own, to Ruby or Perl. I have read that, in Ubuntu, Python can be used from the console or terminal, the problem is that it is not in its latest version (3.6.4), but in 2.7.14, as I show here:
usuario@usuario-ubuntu:~$ python
Python 2.7.14 (default, Sep 23 2017, 22:06:14)
[GCC 7.2.0] on linux2
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So, I work with Haskell in GNU Emacs 25 (GUI) and I would like to know if you can work, that is, write and compile, Python in GNU Emacs 25 (GUI). I have read several manuals in English, and honestly, I do not know much.
To conclude, I would like, if you can, to recommend me a manual to learn or web pages where weekly or daily exercises are published to be able to move forward.
Thank you and greetings.